About Nathan Kim

Nathan Kim enrolled at Dartmouth College as a computer science student in 2021. A National Merit Scholar, he was recognized as a Commended Student in his first year. Nathan Kim has augmented his course load with mathematics courses such as Real Analysis and Linear Algebra, in addition to electives such as economics and Latin American and Caribbean studies. Nathan has always enjoyed learning new languages and completed his Spanish high school requirements in two years (rather than the usual four years). He is in the process of learning Japanese at Dartmouth. Prior to starting college, he received an AP Scholar Award and Convention Honors for piano in the Certificate of Merit program in California.

He has been trained as a classical pianist but has enjoyed composing his own pieces, that reflects his own style of music. During the pandemic, with so many avenues to play music being closed, he spent time composing his own pieces. Right before he graduated, he auditioned and was selected to play a piano piece (that he composed during the pandemic) in front of his high school graduating class.